Call to Order 1930 hours – 8 Members present and 3 Guests
Reading of the treasurers report
Topics of discussion were as follows
Nebraska State fair
Online hours entry big help in that Stan doesn’t have to do it and the info provided goes a long in discussions of duties, parking needs, and the services we can provide.
Brian added that he had spoken to Tom ridge and that they would provide the cat5 cable if we installed the cable for internet.
Parking last year was in 7a, worked well for those who were allowed to park there.
Liability issues were discussed. We do not want to become a burden on the facility and State fair organization. We should handle our own liability issues.
Mike Mathews, kd0qed, provided discussion on the radio show.
Repeater discussion – Elba needs to be repaired yet, Brian volunteered to go up and help.
Field day discussion for both Hastings and Kearney locations.Info to be posted on website.
Project night was voted and approved once month, info to follow at later date.
Discussion on relocating radios.
Discussed creating education program to bring schools into the hobby.
The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), founded on Labor Day weekend 1965, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025. The net, known for relaying surface observations into the National Hurricane Center, is also seeking volunteers to serve as net control operators. Net Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, reports HWN is preparing for what could be, yet again, an above-average hurricane season and that the net...
Amateur radio operators are known for their desire and unique ability to provide public service through communications. Whether activated for a severe weather event or a local event such as a marathon or bike ride, the utility value and versatility of the Amateur Radio Service is enjoyed by communities around the country. One critical aspect of coordinating the communications is the role of net... reports that sunspot 3981 has produced more than 20M-class solar flares, including two that almost reached category X.The activity is likely to continue today. The sunspot retains adelta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for frequentexplosions.The current solar forecast calls for there to be no G1 (Minor) orgreater geomagnetic storms. A potential glancing blow is possib...