Amateur Radio Links

If you are interested Ham radio then this is the page for you. Here you find links to a wealth of information, places you can go find Information on radios, space weather, contests, technical information, just about anything you want to know you can find it here. And if you can’t, let me know and I will research it and post it here. Consider this site the gateway to ham radio.

One of the most important links I have come across lately is a great training site. I am going to put this at the top of the list. For those of you who want to do online study for you license upgrades this seems like a great resource.

Training Site

ARRL – interested in Ham radio, start here.

QRZ – Ham Data bases,  Excellent place to practice you FCC tests, Great forums, and stuff for sale

Amsat – Yes, Ham radio has communication satellites in orbit, Here you can learn about hams in space.

eHam – Not sure which radio to buy, here you can learn about most radios on the market new and used. Also has great forums!

Grand Island Radar – Speaks for itself

Repeater Builder Technical Information Page – For those of you interested in Repeaters, or have some issue with link radios here is the place to go. Very informative site! One of my favorites!

Ham Radio Technical  – A great place to find information on building Stuff that can be useful in the shack.

Grid Locator– Courtesy of KE0HZX Brian who found this and posted it for us all too see….Thanks Brian, pretty cool stuff!

Gmap4 – load this into your mobil divice, learn how to use it. This is how we can send exact coordinates of Locations even at the fair, Again cool stuff!

Gmap4 – Your location and coordinates

Recently I attended an Auxillary Communications Course put on by the Dept of Homeland Security. It was a great course that covered a lot of material. Since many in the club are interested in the public safety and emergency response aspect of our hobby I have decided to post some links to some useful guides and Also to some pretty good courses that you should take the time to learn if you want to be involved. 

Fema Courses

IS-100b – Introduction to incident command

IS-200b – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

IS-700a- National Incident management System (NIMS) An Introduction

IS-800b – National Response Framework, an introduction


ARES Field Resources Guide

ICS Forms are available here.

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