
Current Announcements:

Time for officer elections. It is time for some of the new members to pick up the mantel and run with it. The club needs to have your participation. If you are interested in putting your mark on the club please feel free to volunteer. Dan has decided not to run for President again and would very much like to pass on those responsibilities to others as he has little time to give the club the time he thinks it deserves. As of now we have Jeremy, KC0NUK, who is willing to be President unless others would like to volunteer. Also Dan will also Run as Vice President if nobody else will just so the office is not vacant. And I believe Jay will once again fill the seat he has proven to be so good at as Club Treasurer. We Never did find a secretary so we still need somebody to fill that roll. Please step up and make a contribution!

Next we have Skywarn days, December 2 @ the national weather service. All hams are invited and ecouraged to operate from that location.

Also, would like to remind folks that winter field day is coming up, though I do not know the date. I would encourage you too look it up if you are interested in participating, my understanding is the guys in hastings are planning to have a git together.

Here is hoping for a successful and healthy 2017. There is a lot going on this year. I hope that we get good attendance and participation. We hope to achieve many difficult things this year and with all of your help we can make that happen.


Talking to Stan, N0YXV, We have decided that since we have not been approached by anyone connected with Race for Grace our club will not be participating this year. Apparently there was some turn over in those responsible for the race and we thought it might be better if we focus on ARES and recruiting this year. 

We are still looking for a secretary, if interested let one of the officers know.

  • The Bylaws and the charter documents for the new combined club is posted on the meeting agenda page found here
  • The proposed bylaws governing the joining of the clubs has been approved. GIARS is now a chapter of MARC, Mid-Nebraska Amatuer Radio Club. We will still operate on some things independently, and will also be able to draw on resources that exist across the tri cities. A win win.
  • GIARS ARES Emergency communications plan has been accepted, all club functions will be considered incidents and we will function in that capacity. Please become familiar with ICS documents and take the ICS courses if you have the time.
  •  New ARES Page under construction with links to field operations guides and other Emergency information.
  • An Agenda will be posted and featured every month along with minutes from the last meeting. If you have something you want added to the agenda please post it in comments for discussion or contact an officer. If you have comments please post them  on the website for further discussion. We would like to save our meeting time for fun time as much as possible. Also keep an eye towards the recent comments to keep up with what people are saying.
  • New monthly news email to be sent out to members for members only communications. If you are not on the mailing list and want to be please contact Dan N0DND and he will add you too the list.

Thanks for visiting the GIARS Web site. 


The club meets every third Thursday of the month at the red cross building in Grand Island starting at 7:00pm for a meet and greet, and then we attend to business at 7:30. The public is welcome to attend. Additionally, every Saturday morning at 8:00am we meet at the State street McDonald’s for coffee and breakfast and a lot of good conversation. A lot has changed with the club, many new members and ideas, new technologies, and we seem to have more activities all the time. We look forward to seeing you at the meetings.

At the march meeting it was voted on and approved that all hams who have taken the test and became new licensees within the first year will have club dues waived for that year. We would love for you to join us no matter the reason you became a ham. there is something to do for all of us and that is what makes it fun. 

We are looking for contributors to the website. If you have the ability and desire to write a story one or two times a month and post it on the site let Dan, n0dnd or Stan, n0yxv know and you will be given access. Stories can be anything interesting about ham radio or a member of the ham community. The format here is magazine like so the site can accommodate a lot of different styles and it is sure to fit in. We are looking for quality not quantity. Participation is a good thing and you will be proud of what you do.

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