At our Saturday morning breakfast this week the topic of fund raising came up. While we are working on becoming a 501c3 organization which should help with donations, it has become necessary to increase our funds somehow. This can be accomplished in a couple of different ways, one would be to raise membership dues, but another way would be to hold a couple of fund raisers during the year.
Why has this become necessary? Our equipment has become aged, and some of it needs repair. Some components need to be upgraded, for instance the comet antennas we are using have proven not to be very reliable. Even if we build our own equipment we still need materials. We are going to start training and even some of that is going to require some funds.
Also, if we can grow the club and get more participation it would be a pretty cool deal if we could provide ourselves a club house where we can set up our station, and actually spend some time playing with the big boys. Is it a dream? well maybe but if we all set a little time asside to participate it is something we can achieve.
At this time we are looking for ideas! Even if you don’t have an idea a comment or two to know where we stand as a club would be great. So let me know what you think and lets start moving our club in a direction where we all want to be there and where we all are having fun with it, that is after all why we are wll here. so, sound off guys.?