Category Archives: Club Business

Greater Midwest amateur radio show April 28, 2018


The Third Annual Greater Midwest Radio Show sponsored by the Amateur Radio Association of Nebraska will be held SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018, AT THE ADAMS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, 947 SOUTH BALTIMORE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, FROM 0800 T0 1300.

Antique radios, vintage electronics, AMATEUR RADIO, antennas, microcontrollers, project items, hobbyists, swap meet, comercial vendors, demonstrations, presentations by the National Weather Service, DOOR PRIZES, PHENOMENAL REFRESHMENTS, ARRL approved, contests for beautiful and ugly sets, auction, and even MORE! Admission is $3.50 in advance or $5.00 at the door. Table rental:

KD0RLZ. 73.

Remaking the Club

As many of you know, the numbers of members who have been active in the club has dwindled down to the bare minimum to where we rarely have enough people to even make decisions and do the stuff required to live up to our commitments. So we have decided to make a few changes.

At this month’s meeting we will bring to order what could be the final decision actually made at the meeting If the vote is to the affirmative. We would like to have our business meeting on the air from now on. We will pick a time and place for the net. This way everyone can participate in the event and we will be able to save our actual meeting time for ham related activities.

When we have a meeting we do whatever comes to mind. Hopefully that will include good food and good times. We will start with a few videos and some pizza 

January 2017 Club Agenda

Welcome to 2017 everyone. We have a lot of exciting things in store for 2017. We will be much more focused on training this year with an eye toward ARES and CERT as both organizations work to focus on the mission and being able to get the job done when call upon. I know the CERT guys are already on the minds of our city emergency manager, we have been told we are likely to see some deployments. In concert with that goal, and the goals of the Dept of Homeland Security, and the federal government, in order for us to remain a needed service in this nation it is important for us to train, and follow and practice the procedures that will be required during times of need, whether it is a disaster or simply working out at the parade. Our volunteers are needed, but in order to fill that need we have to be focused, determined, and well trained. There is no substitute for training.

I know it can be hard for some to get away, there are so many priorities in life as we are all aware. I hope that being a member of ARES, GIARS, and soon the Mid Nebraska Amateur Radio Club, becomes at least a small priority in your busy lives. It is not only needed by your ham community, but you are needed by the community at large, it could save your life or that of someone in your family. And besides all that mumbo jumbo, it will just plain ol fun.

This months Agenda:

  • Election of new officers, please note November monthly minutes
  • Training schedule for the year
  • Discussion of new technologies we will be using
  • Discussion of ICS, ICS Forms, and club incidents
  • Adopting the Emergency response plan in General
  • Adopting the New club Bylaws in General.
  • Creating the ARES sub committee/ Who wants to be ARES
  • News Letter good/bad/ugly?
  • Wood River location.
  • Bylaws for Mid Nebraska Amatuer Radio Club seen Here
  • Charter Seen Here

November 2016 Minutes

Recording of the November 2017 Meeting

  • Mike Mathews advocated for the combines club bylaws and the advantages of the 501 3(c) and how we could bring other repeaters into the system.
  • Nebraska QSO Party April 22nd and 23rd 150th anniversary operating from historical locations sites important to Nebraska History like Brian’s Birthplace
  • 21 paid members most of which never show up.
  • Reading of the treasurers report motion accepted
  • Nominating of officers,
    • President- Daniel Bergman N0DND
    • Vice President – Jeremy Smith KC0NUK
    • Treasurer – Jay Rasmussen wx9r
    • Secretary – Open
  • Talked about Asking Brad to have his ham Training classes here in GI
  • Press Release?
  • When do you want to go look at centennial towers
  • Antennas at EOC, possibly need HF Radio.
  • Talk to Jon about antennas and HF Radio. Setting up on radio for digital and one for phone.
  • Talked about making a goal of having our own club house
  • Wondered why whoever is responsible for D-Star is not wanting to maintain system, does not currently operate correctly, Some issue with gateway. Maybe talk to jon?
  • Training on knowing your radio
  • Meeting Adjourned

GIARS ARES Emergency Communications Plan-Draft

We finally have a draft plan of a formal Emergency Communications plan. There are a few things left to tweak like an organizational chart and our working with CERT. But it is a workable draft and so it is at this location for your review.

Grand Island Amateur Radio Society ARES Emergency Communications Plan

Some of the important fact are:

  • Responsibilities of the DEC, EC, and Assistants
  • Training and credentialing requirements
  • Response responsibilities
  • Addition of trained Ready response Teams
  • Repeater and net Use
  • Volunteer acceptance

There will probably be some editing as time goes on and I receive comments. this plan will be submitted to the Emergency Management office on 12/13/2017

This is just a first step, there are many more to go.

The Goal is to have at least one, hopefully more, Ready response teams trained and ready to go by the end of 2017. This isn’t much time to pass, plan and recruit and ultimately train so it will probably require a little more intense participation. In this Spirit, We have recruited Joe Hayes, KB9TBX to coordinate training and credentialing. He is already experience at training, he is a VE, a firearms instructor for the state and who knows what else! He is also very good with comms. We have a few other guys very good at this as well. So we are going to put these guys to work.

Let me know what you think?

Attention Members, For Your Review

As many of you know there have been a few changes in the works. We have been working to combine the clubs under one flag, giving us the benefit of size, numbers, and non-profit status. Mike Mathews, President of the Hastings club, has put in a lot of work toward these ends. I have here a few documents for your review. Please comment now or forever hold your peace. These documents are stored in a dropbox account, if you want to make notes feel free to do so. We will make sure it gets back to those who need to know. Otherwise just comment on the post.

Articles of Incorporation

Bylaws of Midwest Amateur Radio Club 

Also, and maybe more importantly, We will be reaching out to all club members in the coming days to chat about some of the changes we have been doing and/or thinking about. We also want to update our Database on members, whether or not they want to participate in ARES activities and whether or not they want to have equipment on the list that can be volunteered. In the coming days there will be another post about ARES operating procedure, our interfacing with the EOC emergency operations. There will be many training opportunities and activities. 

Fund Raising and Future Goals

At our Saturday morning breakfast this week the topic of fund raising came up. While we are working on becoming a 501c3 organization which should help with donations, it has become necessary to increase our funds somehow. This can be accomplished in a couple of different ways, one would be to raise membership dues, but another way would be to hold a couple of fund raisers during the year.

Why has this become necessary? Our equipment  has become aged, and some of it needs repair. Some components need to be upgraded, for instance the comet antennas we are using have proven not to be very reliable. Even if we build our own equipment we still need materials. We are going to start training and even some of that is going to require some funds.

Also, if we can grow the club and get more participation it would be a pretty cool deal if we could provide ourselves a club house where we can set up our station, and actually spend some time playing with the big boys. Is it a dream? well maybe but if we all set a little time asside to participate it is something we can achieve.

At this time we are looking for ideas! Even if you don’t have an idea a comment or two to know where we stand as a club would be great. So let me know what you think and lets start moving our club in a direction where we all want to be there and where we all are having fun with it, that is after all why we are wll here. so, sound off guys.?

October 2016 Minutes

In Attendance:

Dan Bergman N0DND

Jeremy Smith kc0nuk

Gene Hornung wb0pkp

Jay Rasmussen nx9r

Jaden Smith Visitor

Perry Haake kb0ifm

Darlene Haake Visitor

Stan Coleman n0yxv

Rachelle Lipker Special Guest

  • Introduced Michelle Lipker, the new Executive director of the Red Cross to the club
  • Voted on not having Meeting in December, officers will be nominated in November and voted on in January
  • A quick recap on the club joining. Mike Mathews, President of hastings club, is working on bylaws now and will let us when He gets them written.
  • Discussed once again how to get topics on the Agenda
  • Recap of Harvest of Harmony, Auxcom training, and jeremy gave a short synopsis on the Presentation to the walnut middle school science club.
  • Dan passed on to club CERT members Jon was thinking of a 10 hour a year Minimum
  • Dan gave a Training Scenario that began a lot of discussion on how we would and should prepare for a disaster.
  • Adjourned for the evening

Club Agenda October 2016

  • What’s Next?
  • New Red Cross management. Rachelle Lipker, the new Director for the Red Cross will be in attendance.
  • Are going to have a December Meeting?
  • Update on Joining the clubs under one flag and 501 (3)((c))
  • How to get topics on the website for discussion.
  • Harvest of Harmony recap! Great Job everyone.
  • Auxcom recap- Applying what we learned to our regular functions and activities.
  • Presentation to Walnut Middle School Science Club Summary
  • SOP, Training, Credentials, CERT Members, minimum Hours a year.
  • A Fun Exercise



I want to welcome everyone to the GIARS Meeting Thursday October 19th at 7:30pm at the red Cross Building, the usual spot. Hope to see you all there.