Auxcom Class completed

We would like to thank FEMA and the Department of homeland security, and our local Emergency manager for bringing this class to town and giving us a chance to participate. We learned a lot of information and procedures, including the command structure and possible requirements of the ham community if something were to happen. We have a lot of exposure to risk with the whether and industry. the likely hood that at some point we will be called on to help with emergency operations is a good bet. It was a great class, and many of the procedures will be incorporated into our field operations and future planning. We will have more information posted as time permits. Also sometime this week I will put links on our link page for field guides that those interested in being available for emergency ops should familiarize yourselves with. It is also recommend that if you have not taken any of the fema courses that you take the time and do the training, it is free, and I suspect will be required. 

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