- What’s Next?
- New Red Cross management. Rachelle Lipker, the new Director for the Red Cross will be in attendance.
- Are going to have a December Meeting?
- Update on Joining the clubs under one flag and 501 (3)((c))
- How to get topics on the website for discussion.
- Harvest of Harmony recap! Great Job everyone.
- Auxcom recap- Applying what we learned to our regular functions and activities.
- Presentation to Walnut Middle School Science Club Summary
- SOP, Training, Credentials, CERT Members, minimum Hours a year.
- A Fun Exercise
I want to welcome everyone to the GIARS Meeting Thursday October 19th at 7:30pm at the red Cross Building, the usual spot. Hope to see you all there.
it would be great if we could get a few replies that people plan on being at this meeting!! Please drop us a comment if you plan on attending. Thanks Everybody!!